solving monkey ctf challenges with monkey ctf tactics
Mar 07, 2022
A proof of the infinite monkey theorem (ISSessions CTF 2022)
finding relationships between sites from a page source
Jun 01, 2020
Many third party services use unique IDs to keep track of which of their customer's data is being requested. How can this be used to find sites that are related to each other?
the dilemma of releasing tools
May 17, 2020
What should you do when the potential negative impact of what you make outweighs the positive?
Practice OSINT With Quiztime
Jan 21, 2020
Geolocation challenges from @quiztime
OSINT Challenges for InfernoCTF 2019 (Creator Writeups)
Dec 28, 2019
A few days ago, the CTF team I play with, Dc1ph3r, hosted our first ever CTF, InfernoCTF ( with prizes from pentesterlab :D ). I made a couple challenges– I know OSINT challenges get a bad reputation, but I promise these weren't guessy!